Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It rained today

It rained today making the air cooler this evening.  I found it wonderful for eating on the patio which I turned into our dining room.  It over looks the lake, still appears freshly painted (if nothing else is waterproof for washing any spilled food).  I had just planted 3 poinsettas just off the porch so there are even fresh flowers to look at.  During the summer, the temperature and humidity would be far to uncomfortable to eat out there, but for now it is a formal country club dining room to me.  I don't have to worry about Garrett running past it and getting cut like his brother did or climbing on top of it as I can close the sliding glass doors.  A wonderful solution for having the dining room currently occupied by a seperate living room set.  An unplanned formal and family living room.

It's morning!

I hear tinkering in the dining room.  It was nice.  Awoken from my slumber and the first time in over a month my back doesn't hurt.  I had placed a pillow between my knees while I slept and had raised the bed just slightly at the head.  I will see tomorrow if that is what did the trick.  'Daphne Wags' was sleeping and streteched as I rose up out of bed.  She looked at me from where she had been laying with my feet beside her as if to say "hey, why you moving my back support?".  I patted her and headed to the bathroom before approaching the remaining of the house.
My little boy was quietly playing with Lego of his Big brother's.  He was bright eyed to see me up so he could tell me about the story he made up of the characters actions.  This quickly changed to louder volume and a frantic but determined search for 'Dearth Vader' that had made it's way under the big leather chair.  I moved the chair this way and that for the little boy to wiggle his way around trying to get his tiny fingers under the chair.  I finally lifted the chair up on it's side like 'Wonder Woman' so the tiny people could rescue their sacred pets.  'Darth Vader' had been saved!
I could now start the day with a morning cub of 'Joe" and read the morning email.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas ended

It happened again where I was overwhelmed by lack of sleep from the excitement of wanting the days to be just perfect for the boys.  I crashed.  I had missed my chill pill by two days in need of a new prescription, warning those around me I was out already.  My patience level was past thin and my head was suffering the lack of sleep and lack of water intake.  The boys needed food before taking their pills and were also feeling the effects of staying up late daily since vacation started.
The house an array of scattered toys, empty boxes, and stacking laundry both to folded and also be cleaned.  Decorations everywhere and weekly paper piles addeding up where no one goes through them but me. I had it with the lack of enthusiasm towards efforts of having a better self worth and world around me comiing from only me, but being accused of the opposite by the outside world.  What is the choice God is trying to direct me towards.  What lesson is being presented? Patience, tolerance, raising up others in standards different from what I thought was acceptable?  I find it more difficult to stay in this lesson than the worth of what I am supposed to learn.  Lord give me strength to not burn more bridges as I tire from trying to build them without the right tools.